Spring in North Carolina

Spring has sprung - temps are cool, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping - and reproducing...

'Spring cleaning' had to come from shaking out the dust and cobwebs of winter to make things feel as fresh and new as nature is doing...


Youth and vigor

Finding fresh energy

If you find yourself struggling to get with the 'program'...

Find a young person and spend some time with them.

Another way to follow the light...

"In India the right way for a person to go is known as their Dharma, and "right" means that the whole universe is organizing your way forward. To many people this sounds like a mystical idea, and yet all of us can say, at one time or another, that things turned out in an unexpected way beyond our control. The biggest obstacle to finding your Dharma is ego...
The ego stumbles to stay connected to a person's Dharma. You have to learn that your biggest allies along the way are instinct, intuition, staying true to yourself, standing up for your truth, and self-awareness. Your adversaries are naked ambition, blind competitiveness, self-importance, a craving for status, and following second-hand opinions as if they are your truth."
Deepak Chopra, MD

by S.hughes Imaging / Sandra Hughes Benton

by S.hughes Imaging / Sandra Hughes Benton


Photography - Most photographers will tell you that it is all about the light - and they'd be correct.

The term comes from The Greek word phos, photos - light and graphos - writing. (Wiki)

I've said it many times "follow the light" because it is the interplay of light on the subject that makes an image interesting.

However - just as important for me is what is the focus point of the image. What do I want others to see in that image? What story am I telling?

When I'm shooting for fun, I most often shoot with a shallow depth of field (large aperture) and have the camera set for single area focus or focal point. This tells the viewer what I want them to see in the photo..

It also forces me to find (to me) the most interesting 'subject' within the frame.

Head Brewer at http://www.fullsteam.ag/. Chris

Fullsteam Brewery / Durham NC (http://www.fullsteam.ag)